
Stiras Family- Larry, Jenelle, Ella & Andrew

I am so blessed to have known Jenelle since elementry school!  She and Larry are great friends and I was very excited to be able to take pictures of her amazing kids Ella and Andrew.  Who would have thought in 4th grade i'd be taking picturs of her kids someday!!  Ella was a little ham and always ready with a pose and smile and Andrew cracked me up with his silly face and fun personality!  It was so great to get a chance to get to know them better!!






Fun with Mason!

I met up with Mason and his mom and dad and their dog Kirby in Anoka right off the Rum River.  It was the most beautiful morning and Mason was raring to go!  He walked over with a smile on his face and loved quacking at the ducks.  We had a great time!